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Departmental Results Report 2020-2021: Gender-based analysis plus

Section 1: Institutional GBA Plus Capacity

In 2020–21, the School continued to foster collaboration with other departments and agencies to develop and deliver learning products in line with the Government of Canada's continuous commitment to GBA Plus. Some of these activities included:

GBA Plus discussions took place at several senior management committee meetings. Furthermore, the School continued to work on the development of a strategy to ensure the integration of GBA Plus into departmental decision-making processes, accompanied by appropriate monitoring and reporting mechanisms, and on a GBA Plus framework. The framework will cover the twofold role of the School in this priority area: as a federal department with over 600 employees, and as the common learning provider for the core public service.

Section 2: Gender and Diversity Impacts, by Program

Core Responsibility: Common Public Service Learning

Program Name: Learning Program

Target Population: All Canadians

Distribution of Benefits: N/A

    First group Second group Third group Fourth group Fifth group  
By gender Men           Women
By income level Low           High
    First group Second group Third group  
By age group Youth       Senior

Key Impacts: Learner feedback is reviewed and used to inform changes to learning products, where possible. The School uses Level 1 evaluation to measure whether the learner finds the training engaging, favourable, and relevant. The School obtains learner and departmental feedback through multiple mechanisms, including learner surveys/questionnaires/focus groups, user testing during development, pilot offerings prior to launch, and evaluation data (both quantitative and qualitative from courses and events). This feedback is incorporated into product development and ongoing reviews.

Other: Not available

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan: Nothing to report for 2020–21.

Section 3: Program Links to Gender Results Framework

Core Responsibility: Common Public Service Learning
Program name Education and Skills Development Economic Participation and Prosperity Leadership and Democratic Participation Gender‑based Violence and Access to Justice Poverty Reduction, Health and Well-Being Gender Equality around the World
Learning Program X          

The School provides GBA Plus learning to all employees of the core public service in order to serve Canadians with excellence. The School ensures that the learning is responsive, of high quality, accessible, and strengthens capacity for innovation. Through learning and events, the School equips learners to uphold the goals, objectives, and indicators of the Gender Results Framework. Women and Gender Equality Canada is the policy authority on the content of the learning products.

Section 4: Program Links to Quality of Life Framework

Core Responsibility: Common Public Service Learning
  Prosperity Health Environment Society Good Governance
Learning Program       X  

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