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Departmental Results Report 2021-2022: Gender-based Analysis Plus

Section 1: Institutional GBA Plus Capacity

In 2021–22, the School continued to incorporate the Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus) perspective into departmental decision-making processes, including the design and delivery of human resources operations and practices. GBA Plus standards and gender-inclusive language were incorporated throughout the employee life cycle to foster a positive workplace that is equitable, diverse and inclusive.

In delivering learning products, the School continued to ensure that public service employees have the necessary analytical tools to uphold the goals, objectives and indicators of the Gender Results Framework across functional communities. Targeted and designated learning products were developed in collaboration with Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE) and the GBA Plus Capacity-Building Working Group, including two courses:

The School also hosted two events on GBA Plus attended by 1,550 participants.

Section 2: Gender and Diversity Impacts, by Program

Core Responsibility: Common Public Service Learning

Program Name: Learning Program

Target Population: Federal public service employees in Canada

Key Program impacts on Gender and diversity

Learner feedback is collected, reviewed and used to inform changes to learning products, where applicable. The School uses Level-1 evaluation to measure whether the learner finds the training engaging, favourable and relevant. The School obtains learner and departmental feedback through multiple mechanisms, including learner surveys, questionnaires, focus groups, user testing during development, pilot offerings prior to launch, and evaluation data, both quantitative and qualitative, from courses and events. This feedback is incorporated into the product development cycle, which includes periodic reviews.

Other Key Program impacts on gender and diversity

Not available

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan

The School is reviewing its approach to GBA Plus data collection to align with the different types of services it offers and with corporate reporting targets.

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