Language selection


Implementation of Section 41 of the Official Languages Act Action Plan 2011–2013

2011-2013 Action Plan

June 2011

Table of Contents

General Information

Canada School of Public Service
373 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6Z2

Minister Responsible
The Honourable Tony Clement
President of the Treasury Board and Minister for the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario


The Canada School of Public Service (the School) is the common learning services provider for the Public Service of Canada. The School has a legislative mandate to provide a range of learning activities to build individual and organizational capacity and management excellence within the Public Service.

Senior Officials responsible for implementation of section 41 of the Official Languages Act

  • Deputy Minister/President
    Guy Mc Kenzie
  • Official Languages Champion
    Jayne Huntley
    Vice-President, Program Operations
  • Co-Champion and National Co-Ordinator
    Marie-Claude Petit
    Director General, Marketing, Communications and Engagement
  • Assistant National Co-Ordinator
    Suzan Kenny

Regional Co-Ordinators

  • Atlantic Region
    Robert Armstrong
  • Québec Region
    Christian David
  • Ontario Region
    Carole Potvin
  • Prairies Region
    Janine Durand-Rondeau (Manitoba)
  • Michelle Fortier (Saskatchewan)
  • Alberta Region
    Michelle Vachon-Wilson
  • Pacific Region
    Andrée Lavoie

Summary of the Progress Expected
Set Out in the Action Plan


The Canada School of Public Service (the School) will continue its efforts to provide awareness for its employees and managers. They will be informed of the measures set out in the action plan for the School's implementation of section 41 of the Official Languages Act (the Act).

In addition, through courses and programs provided across Canada, the School will continue to foster a better understanding on the part of federal employees of their responsibilities with respect to section 41 of the Act. To broaden the scope of the School's activities, its instructors will incorporate information taken from media organizations in official language minority communities (OLMCs) into their language training courses in order to given participants a better understanding of the communities and their circumstances.


Because the School recognizes the importance of forging lasting relationships with OLMCs, it will continue participating in discussions and forums in order to establish a dialogue with OLMCs and obtain a greater understanding of their circumstances and needs.


The School will encourage the publication of articles in Bulletin 41-42 to better promote its activities and achievements concerning section 41 of the Act.

Co-ordination and Liaison

The School will continue working with OLMCs in order to keep abreast of best practices with respect to section 41 of the Act, and will therefore continue to send representatives to play an active role in interdepartmental networks concerned with official languages and with its partners in the National Capital Region (NCR) and in the regions. The School also plans to promote sharing of information on best practices internally.

Funding and Program Delivery

The School will continue to provide training on section 41 of the Act, including Authority Delegation Training and the Orientation to the Public Service program. Through its courses and leadership programs, the School will also continue its activities to raise awareness among federal employees of the circumstances of OLMCs. As well, it will organize Armchair Discussions with the participation of OLMC representatives and public service employees in order to raise federal employees' awareness of section 41 of the Act.

The School will complete its pilot project with Canadian universities in connection with the Roadmap for Canada's Linguistic Duality 2008-2013. This project promotes linguistic duality within post-secondary educational institutions across Canada.


The School plans to develop a framework to make it easier to include section 41 of the Act in the development and updating of School courses and programs that have an impact on OLMCs. The Working Group on Official Languages will also monitor and submit a report on the action plan to senior management.

Detailed Action Plan

A. Awareness - In-house Activities

In-house awareness activities include the following: training, information, orientation, awareness, communication and other activities carried out in-house to make employees and/or senior managers of the federal institution aware of linguistic duality and the priorities of OLMCs; senior manager performance contracts and recognition programs; and viewpoints of OLMCs taken into consideration in research projects, studies and surveys conducted internally.

Expected Result

Permanent changes implemented in the organizational culture of the federal institution. All employees and managers are familiar with and understand their responsibilities regarding section 41 of the Act and OLMCs.

Awareness - Planned activities

Read down the first column to the item that interests you regarding planned activities to achieve the expected result. The second column displays expected outputs, and the third column displays the indicators to measure the expected results.">
Planned activities to achieve the expected result Expected outputs Indicators to measure the expected result
  • Use the School's internal newsletter and intranet site to disseminate documents to employees such as Bulletin 41-42 that describe and explain the needs of OLMCs
  • Posted/published articles
  • Documents are available and disseminated
  • Employees have access to relevant and up-to-date information on official languages
  • Use the intranet site to disseminate information to employees about the latest developments with regard to official languages, especially with respect to section 41 of the Act
  • Posted articles
  • Updating of the official languages section
  • Employees have access to appropriate information on the role that the School plays in implementing section 41 of the Act
  • Continue providing information, awareness-building and discussion sessions about the measures set out in the action plan for implementing section 41 of the Act, particularly for the following:
    • School committees, with support provided by the Official Languages Champion
    • regional co-ordinators
    • new employees (orientation)
    • employees
  • Information, awareness-building and discussion sessions concerning official languages
  • Explanatory information disseminated to various managers and to employees
  • Number of meetings and activities organized at various levels in the organization, such as managers, champions and regional co-ordinators
  • Number of participating employees
  • Raise federal employees' awareness of section 41 of the Act through the following School courses and programs:
    • Orientation to the Public Service program
    • Direxion program
    • ileadership program
    • Introduction to Official Languages course (P714) offered in the NCR and the regions
    • Leading Policy course
    • Authority Delegation Training
    • Armchair Discussions
    • Language training
  • Appropriate documentation on the Act, particularly section 41
  • Information taken from OLMC media organizations incorporated into language training courses
  • Federal employees become familiar with the circumstances of OLMCs and obtain a greater understanding of how they can help to implement section 41 of the Act
  • Number of participants attending meetings with OLMCs
  • Number of participants in courses that use information taken from OLMC media organizations

B. Consultations - Sharing of Ideas and Information with OLMCs

Activities (eg, committees, discussions and meetings) in which the federal institution consults and has discussions with OLMCs to identify their needs and priorities and understand potential impacts on their development; activities (eg, round table discussions and working groups) to explore possibilities for co-operation under the current mandate of the federal institution or as part of developing a new program or new policy; participation in consultations with OLMCs co-ordinated by other government bodies; and consultations with OLMCs by regional offices to ascertain their concerns and needs.

Expected Result

Establishment of lasting relationships between the federal institution and OLMCs; the federal institution and OLMCs understand one another's needs and mandates.

Consultation - Planned Activities

Read down the first column to the item that interests you regarding planned activities to achieve the expected result. The second column displays expected outputs, and the third column displays the indicators to measure the expected results.">
Planned activities to achieve the expected result Expected outputs Indicators to measure the expected result
  • Consult with OLMCs about training courses and programs in line with section 41 of the Act
  • Information sharing
  • The training courses and programs are more closely in line with section 41 of the Act
  • Participation in meetings and forums with organizations such as the following in order to have a dialogue with OLMCs:
  • Pacific Federal Council and Fédération des francophones de la Colombie-Britannique
  • Yukon Federal Council and the Association franco-yukonnaise
  • Interdepartmental committees on official languages in the regions
  • Information sharing
  • Networking
  • Appropriate documentation
  • The collected information is taken into account in the development of School programs

C. Communications - Transmission of Information to OLMCs

External communications activities to provide OLMCs with information on the activities, programs and policies of the federal institution and to promote the bilingual character of Canada; inclusion of OLMCs in all information and distribution lists; and use of the federal institution's Web site to communicate with OLMCs.

Expected Result

OLMCs have a broad understanding of the federal institution's mandate; OLMCs receive up-to-date, appropriate information about the federal institution's programs and services.

Communications - Planned activities

Read down the first column to the item that interests you regarding planned activities to achieve the expected result. The second column displays expected outputs, and the third column displays the indicators to measure the expected result.">
Planned activities to achieve the expected result Expected outputs Indicators to measure the expected result
  • Communications with OLMCs to inform them of scheduled consultations
  • Information and invitations sent by email
  • Number of contributions held
  • Encourage the contribution of articles to Bulletin 41-42 to promote the School's activities and achievements with regard to section 41 of the Act
  • Articles proposed for publication in Bulletin 41-42
  • Number and type of articles contributed to Bulletin 41-42
  • Participate in events that bring other federal institutions and OLMCs together
  • Booth providing information on the School's various products and services
  • Number of events at which the School is represented

D. Coordination and Liaison - In-house Co-ordination and Liaison with Other Government Institutions (does not include funding)

Co-ordination activities (research, studies, meetings, etc.) carried out by the federal institution itself along with other federal institutions or other levels of government; participation in activities organized by other federal institutions and other levels of government; and participation of official languages champions, national and regional co-ordinators and other persons concerned in various government forums.

Expected Result

Co-operation with many partners in order promote the development of OLMCs, enhance the vitality of OLMCs and share best practices.

Coordination and liaison - Planned activities

Read down the first column to the item that interests you regarding planned activities to achieve the expected result. The second column displays expected outputs, and the third column displays the indicators to measure the expected result">
Planned activities to achieve the expected result Expected outputs Indicators to measure the expected result
  • Sharing of the School's best practices between the regions and the NCR in order to promote implementation of section 41 of the Act
  • Publication of best practices on the intranet site section reserved for official languages
  • Teleconference meeting involving employees in the regions and NCR employees
  • Better employee understanding of how they can help implement section 41 of the Act
  • Participate in the following, together with Canadian Heritage representatives:
    • Committee of Assistant Deputy Ministers on Official Languages
    • Interdepartmental Steering Committee for Co-ordinating the Official Languages Program
    • Interdepartmental meetings of national and regional co-ordinators responsible for implementing section 41 of the Act
  • Meetings
  • Information sharing
  • Number of meetings
  • Presentation and sharing of documents between departments concerned in order to share best practices
  • Participate in meetings with representatives of other federal institutions and levels of government, such as the following:
    • Council of the Network of Official Languages Champions
    • Official language committees and sub-committees of federal councils
    • Representatives of provinces and territories
  • Meetings with representatives of various departments concerned
  • Meetings with representatives of provinces and territories
  • Number of meetings
  • Information sharing between various networks concerned to give them a greater understanding of the School's challenges with respect to its obligations under section 41 of the Act and determine possible solutions and options for working together

E. Funding and Program Delivery

Implementation of the federal institution's programs and delivery of its services; funding, provided solely by the federal institution or in co-operation with other federal institutions, of OLMC projects; and inclusion of the needs of OLMCs in the delivery of the federal institution's programs and services.

Expected Result

OLMCs are part of the federal institution's regular clientele and have adequate access to its programs and services; OLMC needs (eg, geographic distribution and development opportunities) are taken into account.

Funding and program delivery - Planned activities

Read down the first column to the item that interests you regarding planned activities to achieve the expected result. The second column displays expected outputs, and the third column displays indicators for each that measure the expected result.">
Planned activities to achieve the expected result Expected outputs Indicators to measure the expected result
  • Promote linguistic duality and public servants' awareness of the circumstances of OLMCs through courses, programs, informal discussions and events, such as the following:
    • Direxion program
    • ileadership program
    • Leading Policy course
    • Authority Delegation Training
    • Introduction to Official Languages course
    • Language training
  • Armchair Discussions
  • Events dealing with linguistic duality and section 41 of the Act
  • Meetings with OLMCs
  • Training documents on linguistic duality and section 41 of the Act
  • Number of Armchair Discussions, events and tools developed
  • Number of participants in Armchair Discussions and other events
  • Federal employees become familiar with circumstances of OLMCs and have a better understanding of how they can help to implement section 41 of the Act
  • Language internships offered to federal public servants in OLMC organizations (joint initiative with Canadian Heritage)
  • Consulting services and teaching tools available to public servants who want to do internships
  • Number of public servants who use the consulting services and teaching tools
  • Continue the pilot project with Canadian universities as part of the Roadmap for Canada's Linguistic Duality 2008-2013
  • Online language training tools
  • Weekly newsletter for students
  • Number of students taking part in the pilot project
  • Number of tools available to participants
  • Students improve their proficiency in the second language

F. Accountability

Activities through which the federal institution integrates its work implementing section 41 of the Act into departmental planning and accountability mechanisms (e.g., Report on Plans and Priorities, Departmental Performance Report, business plan and status report on implementation of section 41 of the Act); internal audits and evaluations of programs and services; and regular review of programs and services as well as policies by senior managers of the federal institution to ensure implementation of section 41 of the Act.

Expected Result

Full integration of section 41 of the Act and the OLMC perspective into the federal institution's policies, programs and services; the reporting structure, internal evaluations and policy reviews determine how to better integrate OLMCs' perspectives.

Accountability - Planned Activities

Read down the first column to the item that interests you regarding planned activities to achieve the expected result. The second column displays expected outputs, and the third column displays the indicators to measure the expected result.">
Planned activities to achieve the expected result Expected outputs Indicators to measure the expected result
  • Produce the Annual Report on Results for the implementation of section 41 of the Act
  • Publish the Action Plan and the Annual Report on Results on the School Web site to inform public servants and OLMCs about the School's planning and achievements regarding section 41 of the Act
  • School's Annual Report on Results
  • Action Plan and Annual Report on Results published on the School Web site
  • The School meets its obligations under section 41 of the Act
  • The Action Plan and Annual Report on Results are evidence of the School's progress in achieving the Government of Canada's expected outcomes
  • Review the terms of reference of the School's task force on official languages in connection with Part VII of the Act to reflect the new organizational structure
  • Terms of reference updated and approved by senior management
  • The task force structure helps provide better support for efforts in implementing section 41 of the Act in the School
  • Develop terms of reference to take section 41 of the Act into account when developing and updating the School's courses and programs
  • Terms of reference
  • Courses and programs are developed and updated, taking into account section 41 of the Act and the OLMC perspective
  • Working Group on Official Languages will follow up on programs and report regularly to senior management within the School's new governance structure
  • Meetings
  • Information sharing
  • Follow-up reports
  • Reports to senior management will ensure follow-up on consideration of section 41 of the Act when developing and updating the School's courses and programs
  • Contribute to the content of Canadian Heritage's Departmental Performance Report with regards to the Roadmap for Canada's Linguistic Duality 2008-2013
  • Excerpt from the School's Annual Report on Results contributes to the outcomes expected under the Roadmap for Canada's Linguistic Duality 2008-2013
  • The School meets its obligations under section 41 of the Act

Distribution List

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