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Aspiring Directors Program: Frequently asked questions

Q1: What is the Aspiring Directors Program (ADP)?

A1: The Aspiring Directors Program (ADP) is a guided developmental activity for identified candidates to reflect on the competencies that are critical to the success of executives in the federal public service. Participants will explore the importance of self-awareness and personal reflection in becoming a better leader and examine the leadership and self-management skills needed to build teams and become an effective agent of change.

Q2: Who is eligible to participate in this program?

A2: Participants must be at the EX minus 1 level or equivalent and have a talent management plan.

Because of the design of the program, it is important for participants to have some experience in human resource management. The School reserves the right to follow-up with candidates to ensure that they meet the established screening criteria.

Q3: Should I take this program if I am acting at the EX level?

A3: If you are acting at the EX level for an extended period (i.e., more than 6 months), you would benefit more from attending the New Directors Program.

Q4: Will you accept candidates at the EX minus 2 group and level?

A4: We only accept EX minus one or equivalent at this time. However, given regional variations in classification levels and associated levels of responsibility, the School will accept such candidates on a case-by-case basis for future offerings. Human resource management will be required for a candidate at this level. The School reserves the right to follow up with candidates to ensure that they meet the established screening criteria.

Q5: How long is the Program?

A5: The program is made up of three phases and takes place over a period of six months. Phases 1 and 3 are in-person, classroom-based. Phase 2 covers a period of 4 months and is self-directed (online activities and observation of a leader).

Q6: What is the time commitment for each phase of the program?

A6: To complete the program, participants are expected to:

  • spend 3 days (in class) for Phase 1, plus occasional light reading/homework;
  • spend an average of 1 hour per week on individual assignments, online discussions, and peer leadership group activities during the 4 months allocated for Phase 2;
  • spend 2 days in class for Phase 3, plus occasional light reading/homework.
Q7: How do I register for the program?

A7: Contact your departmental Learning Coordinator to obtain registration instructions. The School reserves the right to follow-up with candidates to ensure that they meet the established screening criteria.

Q8: Are there any prerequisite courses for this program?

A8: No. However, experience managing human resources and successful completion of the Authority Delegation Training Program are recommended.

Q9: Who should I contact if I have questions about the program?

A9: Please contact the Client Contact Centre for additional information about the program.

Q10: How long do I need to observe a leader in Phase 2 of the program?

A10: You should plan to observe a leader between 7-21 hours in total, as it fits within your current work schedule and in agreement with your supervisor.

Q11: What do I do if I cannot observe a leader in-person?

A11: It is ideal to observe a leader in-person at least some of the time. However, if this is not possible, virtual observations are acceptable (online meetings, phone calls, emails).

Q12: What types of leader activities should I observe in Phase 2?

A12: Request to observe activities where leadership qualities you wish to replicate will be demonstrated.

Q13: How do I make a request to observe the leader I chose in Phase 2?

A13: In Phase 2 section on the learning platform, there is a sample letter that you can copy and send to the leader’s Administrative Assistant. Ensure your supervisor is aware of the program expectations and time commitment of 7-21 hours of observation.

Q14: What work am I expected to complete in my Peer Leadership Group during Phase 2?

A14: During Phase 2 of the program, you are expected to establish a schedule of meetings with your Peer Leadership Group to: role play Conflict Management Scenarios, practice your Self-Leadership Narratives, discuss your Individual Development Plans and share your observations of a leader or any other observations you have. You may also wish to share resources. Remember, you have this opportunity to create an important networking group that may be with you for your entire career!

Q15: Do I need to use the online journal throughout the program?

A15: No, you do not need to use the online journal although journalling is highly recommended. If you prefer, there are Word documents with journal reflection questions available for you to download from the learning platform and save on your computer or you may opt to use your own personal journal.

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