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Frequently asked questions about the New Directors Program

The New Directors Program and psychometric tools

Is the Insights Discovery® tool used in any of the School's other programs?

No. At this time, Insights Discovery® is only used in the New Directors Program at the School.

What is the Insights Discovery® badge?

The Insights Discovery® badge is awarded to learners and posted to their learning profiles by their learning coordinator when they complete the Insights Discovery® profile. It enables them to register for the New Directors Program (NDP).

How are Insights Discovery® badges assigned?

Insights Discovery® badges are assigned using the same process used for assigning a program to learning groups on the learning platform. Learning coordinators assign the badges, which are a prerequisite for enrolment in the NDP.

What are learning coordinators' other responsibilities?

You will receive more information about all your responsibilities as a learning coordinator from your client service advisor.

What about those who are already in a cohort of the New Directors Program?

Individuals who have not already picked a cohort in the New Directors Program will be required to complete their Insights Discovery® profile and obtain their badges before registering.

Do individuals who have been identified to complete the New Directors Program register once they have been assigned a badge?

Yes, currently this is how it is set up. Once learners are assigned an Insights Discovery® badge, they will be able to register for the NDP on their own.

How many spots are available and how will the identified learners be chosen?

There are 28 spots per cohort available. During the first quarter, 6 cohorts of the NDP will be offered. To be eligible, learners must be at the EX-01 level or equivalent and have been appointed to their position within the previous 18 months. They can also be acting at the EX-01 level or equivalent for 6 consecutive months or longer, but not exceeding 18 months.

What is the cost per learner of an Insights Discovery® profile and 360° feedback assessment?

Thanks to the School's standing offer, the price per unit is $120.68 for Insights Discovery® and $697.00 for 360° feedback assessments. In the interest of cost-effectiveness, it is recommended that learning coordinators identify all of their learners for the year.

Is there a deadline for learners to complete the Insights Discovery® report?

No, there is no deadline. The link will remain active.

How much of my time is required outside of the scheduled programming of the New Directors Program?

Minimal time is needed. All homework and pre-course work is included in the virtual sessions, with only light optional reading for the in-person component. Additional time is required for the optional 360-degree assessment (questionnaire and debrief) and the mandatory Insights Discovery assessment.

What is the total time commitment for the program, including completion of the Insights Discovery® profile and 360° feedback assessment?

The time commitment for the program includes 1 hour to complete the Insights Discovery® profile and approximately 2 hours to complete the 360° feedback assessment and debrief. Both the virtual and in-person versions of the program require approximately 28 hours of classroom time.

Can I switch cohorts after the program starts?

The New Directors Program uses a cohort-based learning model, where participants move through the program within a consistent group, promoting collaboration, support, and deeper engagement. Requests to switch cohorts will only be considered in exceptional circumstances, such as significant health or family emergencies; or other unforeseen life events, like the loss of a loved one or personal crises. Each request will be evaluated individually to ensure the decision respects both the learner's needs and the integrity of the cohort experience.

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