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How Diversity and Inclusion Relate to Superior Customer Service

How Diversity and Inclusion Relate to Superior Customer Service

Monica has lived with reduced mobility all her life. She did not let this slow her down. As she tells her compelling story, she will lead you to a deeper understanding of the challenges she and others face every day.

In today's diverse working environment, a one-size solution does not fit all. It's no longer enough for us to show the same courtesy we would like to be shown. We need to design workspaces that accommodate a broad range of differences.

Come learn about the link between diversity, inclusion and customer service. This special presentation will help you understand why it's important to know your customers' needs.

Event information

This learning activity is designed for all public servant groups and levels.


Date and time:

February 21, 2019 | 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (PST)


Monica Gärtner, Human Resources Assistant, Royal Canadian Mounted Police


English with interpretation in French


  • Library Square, 300 West Georgia Street, Suite 400, Vancouver, British Columbia
  • Available across Canada by webcast


Pacific and Yukon Region

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