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Geopolitics and the Indo-Pacific Region Series

This event series explores the history of the Indo-Pacific region, its economic and security dynamics, how activities in the region are re-shaping its geopolitics, as well as how Canada can engage with this region to pursue its own interests. The series is designed to help public servants develop policies and programs in support of the implementation of Canada's Indo-Pacific Strategy.

Comprising approximately 40 countries, the Indo-Pacific region is home to the world's two most populous countries and to multiple political systems, including liberal democracies, one-party authoritarian states, and dictatorships. Accounting for more than half of the world's population and encompassing almost 50% of the global economy, the Indo-Pacific region has the ability and means to structure and reshape the global geopolitical discourse, including here in Canada.

Participants will learn from top researchers and leaders on topics such as geopolitics, global economics, trade, regional security and defence, governance and regional institutions, as well as the interactions between civil society, business and government.


Additional events in this series will be added to this page and our main Events page as they are confirmed.

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