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Stress Management and Mindfulness in the Workplace

Stress Management and Mindfulness in the Workplace

Raz Chan—stress management and wellness professional, martial arts expert, and bestselling author of The Human Excellence Project—will discuss stress reduction techniques and introduce participants to Tai Chi and Qigong.

Participants will learn:

Participants will learn simple movements they can immediately incorporate into their daily lives to reduce stress, anxiety and muscle tension. This gentle art is easy to learn and is suitable for all ages and skill levels.

Event information

This workshop has been designed for all federal public servants at no cost to learners.


Date and Time:

March 14, 2017 | 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (PDT)


Raz Chan, author and stress management and wellness professional

Locations and

Available across Canada by webcast | English with interpretation in French

300 West Georgia Street, Suite 400, Vancouver, British Columbia | English


Pacific and Yukon Region

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