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Grants and Contributions Learning Series

Grants and contributions are key instruments used by the Government of Canada in furthering its broad policy objectives and priorities. These payments assist eligible recipients, including individuals, other orders of government, and organizations, in undertaking activities and projects that help achieve the objectives and outcomes of transfer payment programs and contribute to departmental results.

Course series

The Grants and Contributions Learning Series is a collection of foundational courses that allow learners to better navigate through federal processes, stakeholder needs and policy requirements as they relate to transfer payment programs.

The series is primarily designed for program officers and program managers, as well as support staff and financial management personnel involved with the administration of transfer payments, but is open to all public servants interested in learning about government services.

Courses included in this series

  1. Transfer Payment Basics (COR217)
  2. Authorities Related to Transfer Payments (COR218)
  3. Entering into a Funding Agreement (COR219)
  4. Managing and Monitoring a Funding Agreement (COR220)

Note: The courses should be taken in the order listed above.

Is this training for you? Consult the Grants and Contributions Learning Series to learn about its main components, who it is for and how it works.

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