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Facilitation Essentials: Building Trust (TRN1-J03)


This job aid for employees at all levels provides tips on how to cultivate trust by preparing for meetings, welcoming participants, and establishing an environment of respect.

Published: October 21, 2020
Type: Job aid

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Facilitation Essentials: Building Trust

Fostering inclusion and trust before, during and after your meetings.


  • Set clear meeting objectives.
  • Use your meeting invitation to set the tone.
  • Share steps taken to foster inclusion.
  • Share important information ahead of time.
  • Consider using pulse surveys to seek views in advance.


  • Welcome and acknowledge people as they arrive.
  • Ask participants' names and pronouns.
  • Check in with participants and attend to their needs.
  • Bring confidence and humility: "I don't know but I'll find out" is an acceptable response.
  • Be accessible.


  • Start promptly or explain any delays.
  • Respect the agenda and ask others to do so.
  • Set expectations for participation at the outset. This helps people listen more actively as they are not anticipating or planning how to get their point included.
  • Ensure everyone gets a fair chance to speak and be heard.
  • Maintain and respect boundaries and, if facilitating for a group, actively demonstrate impartiality.
  • Show respect equally to everyone; communicate with kindness.
  • Use your active listening skills:
    • Ask "overhead questions" to the group as a whole rather than directed or restricted questions. If a participant speaks quietly, repeat the question so everyone can hear or consider paraphrasing to model the skill.
    • Acknowledge/reference what someone has said when building on their idea. Mention their name and cite their contribution.
  • Record ideas; make people's contributions visible.
  • Keep the focus in the group.
  • Model vulnerability.
  • Look for ways to help; offer empathy.
  • Encourage laughter.
  • End on time.

If you are attending the meeting

  • Participate actively. For example: be fully prepared and present; offer good questions


  • Follow up on what you agreed to do.

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