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Unlocking the Potential of Cloud: Experimenting with the Living Labs Initiative (DDN1-V12)


This video shares a proof of concept from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada that brings together farmers, scientists and others to address agri-environmental issues using cloud technologies that enable interoperability, reusability and increased visibility.

Duration: 00:03:31
Published: October 29, 2024
Type: Video

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Unlocking the Potential of Cloud: Experimenting with the Living Labs Initiative



Transcript: Unlocking the Potential of Cloud: Experimenting with the Living Labs Initiative

[00:00:00 The text “Unlocking the Potential of Cloud – Living Labs Initiative” appears onscreen.]

[00:00:07 The screen fades to Philippe Couroux in a video chat panel. A slide shows the following text:

"Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Cloud Initiatives Initiatives nuagiques d'Agriculture et agroalimentaire Canada

  • Living Labs Initiative - Initiative des Laboratoires vivants
  • Animal Genetic Resources of Canada - Ressources génétiques animales du Canada
  • Canadian national genebank information system - Système d'information de la banque nationale de gènes du Canada
  • Labs Canada - Proof of Concept - Démonstration de faisabilité - Laboratories Canada"]

PHILIPPE COUROUX (Manager, Science Solutions, Agriculture and Argi-Food Canada): We have a living lab initiative that we are working on. We started a Cloud First with this one.

So, we immediately went to the Cloud to develop this application. We also have other initiatives where we transferred applications that we had on the site, such as Canada's animal genetic resources and plant resources, which is very similar to the information system of Canada's national gene bank.

But I'm also going to talk to you about the proof of concept with Laboratories Canada. We just completed this collaboration and it has a guide that will be released very soon, that will be available.

[00:00:47 Texte appears on screen: Living Labs Initiative - Initiative des Laboratoires vivants


The Living Laboratories Initiative is a new approach to agricultural innovation in Canada, that brings together farmers, scientists, and other test innovative practices and technologies to address agri-environmental issues.


L'Initiative des Laboratoire vivants est une nouvelle approche de l'Innovation agricole au Canada qui réunit des agriculteurs, des scientifiques et d'autres partenaires afin d'élaborer conjointement et de mettre à l'essai des pratiques et des technologies novatrices pour résoudre les problèmes agroenvironnementaux.]

PHILIPPE COUROUX: So, the Living Labs Initiative is an initiative that aims to work with farmers in Canada, also researchers, scientists and who will have several living lab centres that will be set up in Canada.

And the purpose of this practice is to allow Agriculture Canada researchers, as well as external collaborators such as researchers, farmers, universities, to share their data on a common platform.

[00:01:15] : Text appears on screen: Living Labs Initiative (LLI) Initiative des Laboratoires vivants (ILV)

  • Enable AAFC research scientists and LLI external collaborators (scientists, farmers, academia, etc.) to share data on a common platform.
  • Permettre aux chercheurs d'AAC et aux autres collaborateurs externes de l'ILV (chercheurs, fermiers, universités, ) de partager leurs données sur une plateforme commune.

Goal – But:

  • Publish scientific data to members of the Living Labs Initiative community and to the general public
  • Publier les données scientifiques aux membres de la communauté de l'Initiative des laboratoires vivants et au grand public]

PHILIPPE COUROUX: The goal is also to publish scientific data to members of the Living Labs Initiative community, but also to the general public.

So it's set up with the policies of the Treasury Board Secretariat where we talk a lot about Cloud First or Open Government, Open Data, Open Science.

[00:01:30 Text appears on screen: Living Labs Initiative (LLI) - IM/IT Infrastructure]

AAFC AWS Protected Cloud-Based Environment

Cloud Data Storage Platform:

  • Allow Participants to work in partnership
  • Enable data sharing and exchange
  • Access using Secure Autentication

Data Portal:

  • Enable interoperability
  • Enable reusability
  • Increase visibility

PHILIPPE COUROUX: Also the use of free software from Open Source Software.

So, that's the approach we used for the Living Labs Initiative.

[00:01:52 Un texte apparaît à l'écran : Initiative des Laboratoires vivants (ILV) – Infrastructure GI/TI

AWS Protected AAC Cloud Environment

Cloud Data Storage Platform:

  • Allows participants to work in partnership
  • Enables data sharing and exchange
  • Access to secure authentication

Data portal:

  • Enables interoperability
  • Allows reuse
  • Increases visibility]

PHILIPPE COUROUX: Here, I'll just show you quickly, what it might look like. I also support the time we have to make the presentation.

So, that makes it possible to share information, to exchange data. All this in a secure environment.

With regard to the data portal, it will facilitate the reuse the data and enable interoperability as well as increase the visibility of this data for the general public.

[00:02:22: Text appears on screen: Living Labs Initiative (LLI) – IM/IT Infrastructure

An architecture graphic appears on the screen describing the Amazon Web Services platform]

PHILIPPE COUROUX: Here we can see a fast architecture in terms of connectivity through a secure environment and here we use the Amazon Web Services platform for a protected A environment.

It's very important to mention that, at the scientific level, it's perhaps easier and also less conventional, and it's more conventional, that is to say, to go with data that is not classified, protected A data.

It's always more difficult to establish an environment and we are working in partnership with our Cloud team to have precisely this environment, which will be available soon this year and which will allow all these Living Laboratories people in Canada to start working, to share this data.

By the way, we also use the free software Nextcloud to develop the data storage platform and CKAN(?) for the portal.

[00:03:20: Video chat fades to CSPS logo]

[00:03:28: The Government of Canada logo appears]

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