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Creating a Pathway Together - Building ʔapsčiik t'ašii (IRA1-V18)


This video explores the building of ʔapsčiik t'ašii (a path in the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve in British Columbia) as an example of a collaborative initiative between Parks Canada, First Nations People and local communities as a way to advance reconciliation.

Duration: 00:05:03
Published: April 30, 2021
Type: Video

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Creating a Pathway Together - Building ʔapsčiik t'ašii



Transcript: Creating a Pathway Together - Building ʔapsčiik t'ašii

[Parks Canada, Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation and Yuułuʔiłʔatḥ logos]
Animated text: Building ʔapsčiik t'ašii
Creating a Pathway Together"
[Forest greenery in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve]
[Paved section of ʔapsčiik t'ašii in forest]
"Animated text: Levi Martin, Kaamath
Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation Elder "

<<Levi>> Well, ʔapsčiik in our language it has two meanings ʔapsčiik is going the right way on the path. You know, also, ʔapsčiik means to make sure you speak the truth.

[Forest greenery, trees, leaves]
"Animated text: ʔapsčiik t'ašii
ups-cheek pronunciation
Going the right way on the path
Make sure you speak the truth"
[Drone footage of paved section of ʔapsčiik t'ašii in forest]

That was a very important teaching for our people to speak the truth.

"Animated text: Karen Haugen
Superintendent, Pacific Rim National Park Reserve"

<<Karen>> The ʔapsčiik t'ašii is a multi-use path that is 25 kilometres within the homelands of the (traditional territories of the) Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation, the Yuułuʔiłʔatḥ First Nation and within Long Beach Unit of Pacific Rim National Park Reserve.

[Unpaved pathway amid forest greenery]
[Surfers in wetsuits walking along pathway and in the water at the beach]
[Seagulls flying on beach]
["Welcome to Ucluelet" sign on side of highway]

So it's 25 kilometres connecting every community within the region from Tofino to Tla-o-qui-aht to Yuułuʔiłʔatḥ lands, into the Ucluelet district.

[Person biking along paved pathway]

So, it's providing that route and that artery for this region that allows people to experience what this area has from land to sea. It's a wonderful path that's going to connect everybody.

[Forest greenery]
Animated text: Building a pathway through a national park reserve is complex

Animated text: The ʔapsčiik t'ašii balances providing an immersive visitor experience while protecting the natural treasures and cultural heritage of the area
"Animated text: Jackie Hicks
ʔapsčiik t'ašii Senior Engineer"

<<Jackie>> Building in a national park reserve is not an easy thing. It's not like building  your standard highway or building your standard trail— there's so many things to take in

[Construction workers, Tla-o-qui-aht Elder, and Parks Canada staff conversing and working on pathway]
[Environmental Monitor holding up a fish from stream near pathway in clear, water-filled container]

We're working with our First Nation partners, we're looking at environmental consequences, we're looking at invasive species and amphibians and archaeological sites. So

[Section of paved pathway along highway in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve]

when you're looking at moving the trail slightly two meters away from the highway or closer to the highway you really have to take into account all these different elements and think ahead about those things and plan with them and talk to your experts.

Animated text: Parks Canada worked in collaboration with Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation and Yuułuʔiłʔatḥ on the pathway's development

<<Karen>> The ʔapsčiik t'ašii connects the visitors to the originators of this area who still reside today and have been working with us from

[Boardwalk through forest next to large uprooted tree]
[Large wooden carved statues near pathway]
[Youth salvaging plants along pathway with Parks Canada employees]

day one on the ʔapsčiik t'ašii to really help us understand the appropriate route to take that not only is environmentally sensitive and culturally protecting the area but also that really connects the visitor to what they

[Large tree stump]
[Culturally modified cedar tree with bark missing and Tla-o-qui-aht Elder chanting beside tree]

experienced in their homelands and that's what the ʔapsčiik t'ašii was meant to do was to help visitors really see and understand the First Nation context that is within this area.

[Paved pathway in forest]
[Berry bush along pathway]
[Forested beach in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve]

<<Marg>> There's always berries and other growth like roots that we can munch on and the beach is very generous with seafood. You know, you

"Animated text: Marg Touchie
Yuułuʔiłʔatḥ Elder"

could survive out there all day without bringing lunch from home and we want it to stay that way.

[Flowing stream in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve]

We want everything in that area to stay as natural as possible.

Animated text: The pathway has been a catalyst for nurturing relationships between Parks Canada, First Nations, and local communities

<<Karen>> This is going to be a project that in 25 years is going to change the landscape to this area but is also going to really bring

[Unpaved pathway amid forest greenery and construction workers smiling and working on pathway]
[Salamander hiding under tree branch]

Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, First Nations, and districts together to really

[Person biking along paved pathway and Parks Canada employee smiling and talking to visitor]

look at how we welcome our visitors to this region and how we protect it because that's what it has done— it has allowed us to really embrace the one team, the one voice and the one vision with different parties, not just Parks Canada.

[Drone footage of paved section of ʔapsčiik t'ašii next to highway]
Animated text: The ʔapsčiik t'ašii will provides people of all ages and abilities a safe, sustainable, and immersive way to experience Pacific Rim National Park Reserve

<<Jackie>> We're really hopeful that this is something that many people are going to enjoy for years to able to use to connect destinations, to connect

[Raised pathway leading through trees and shrubs]

<<Karen>> There is not only the environmental benefits the economic opportunities for Indigenous partners, but it's also just the benefit of something new to the area.

[Sun peeking through large trees in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve forest]
[Construction worker looking over a soon-to-be pathway route and a Park Canada employee salvaging plants]
[Drone footage of paved pathway in the middle of the forest]

<<Levi>> With us First Nations and Pacific Rim National Park coming together and working together and acknowledging the land I felt like, "ʔapsčiik t'ašii"—we are going the right way, like you know. We're coming together and walking together and turning together in a good way.

Animated text: Learn more at
"[Parks Canada logo
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social media logos]"

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