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Government of Canada Data Conference 2023: Employment and Social Development Canada – Introduction to Data (DDN3-V10)


At Employment and Social Development Canada, we create, use and manage vast amounts of data. We enter client information, produce documents, send and receive emails, and use tools. Everything we do is connected to data and it is one of our most important organizational asset.

Duration: 00:01:55

Published: February 15, 2023

Event: GC Data Conference 2023: About the conference

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Government of Canada Data Conference 2023: Employment and Social Development Canada – Introduction to Data



Transcript: Government of Canada Data Conference 2023: Employment and Social Development Canada – Introduction to Data

We live in a digitally connected world and data are at the centre of it all. Data are collected about us when we shop online, apply for a mortgage or respond to a survey. They are a part of our digital society, at home, and at work.

Data are sets of values like facts, statistics, words, numbers, images.  They become information when they are collected, organized and converted into meaningful and useful context.

Now more than ever, it is important for all of us to have some level of data knowledge and skills so we can collect, use, manage and protect data properly.

At ESDC, we create, use and manage vast amounts of data. From the client information we enter, in the documents we produce, the emails we send and receive, and in the tools we use everyday, like the Intranet, SharePoint and MS Teams.

Data are in everything we do and they are one of our most important organizational assets.

They have the power to help us answer questions faster, provide insights based on facts and drive decision-making.

It is important that we use data properly to ensure our decisions are fact-based and so our programs, policies and services meet the evolving needs of Canadians.

Flawed data or management of data can lead to misinterpretations of the facts and hinder the quality of our work and the services we provide, and can even cause harm.

That is why ESDC has a Data Strategy in place. To put a greater focus on people and empower everyone in the organization to treat data as a shared, protected asset, in a culture of stewardship and collaboration.

The ESDC Data Literacy Program is one of the key initiatives of this Strategy that will help us get the data knowledge and competencies we need for our work.

Data Literacy will help us mitigate risks, as well as help us work better together.

Visit the ESDC Data Literacy Program to learn more and discover how you can do more with data.

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