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Creating Effective Product Visions: Getting Started (DDN2-V55)


This video (part 1 of 2) features Ayushi Roy, who explains what product visions are, how to create them, and how they are integral to a product's success.

Duration: 00:03:21
Published: January 22, 2025
Type: Video

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Creating Effective Product Visions: Getting Started



Transcript: Creating Effective Product Visions: Getting Started

[00:00:00 Text appears on screen: Creating Effective Product Visions, Part 1]

Narrator: Hey, everyone! Welcome to today's video about product vision.

[00:00:03 Text appears on screen: Today's Topics: What a product vision is/The elements of a successful product vision/The purpose of defining your product vision]

Narrator: We'll be talking about what a product vision is, what the elements of a successful product vision are, and what the purpose of defining your product vision is.

I'll start off just by noting that product visioning and teaching about it and learning about it is a little bit like yoga.

[00:00:20 A building appears on screen with the text: Yoga Studio above the front door/cut to inside the studio, several people appear on yoga matts with an instructor; Ayushi then assumes the 'down-ward dog' position]

Narrator: It's hard to explain what a downward dog is or what child's pose feels like until you might try it yourself.

A quick definition of a vision statement is a short elevator pitch of the vision that the team and others can use to quickly explain the product and galvanize support for the product. Vision statements should be clear, concise, informative, and ideally inspirational. Vision statements address what constituents or users you might call them care about.

Vision statements should also be devoid of specific implementation or execution details. All of that will come later in various phases of the roadmap, metrics work and so on.

A product vision statement is helpful for product teams to be able to answer two distinct questions. The first is what should we do? And the second is how do we get there? How do we execute on that vision?

Now let's take a look at what the elements of a successful product vision statement are.

[00:01:27 Text appears on screen: The four elements of a successful product vision statement]

Narrator: There are four key elements we'll be running through today, and I'd recommend you pause and try to answer each of those four elements for a product or service that you or your team might be currently working on.

[00:01:43 A boardroom full of employees appears]

Narrator: The first element of a successful product vision statement is to answer the question: What's the problem that you or your team are solving? The second element is to answer who's affected? Who are you or your team or your product trying to help? The third element of our product vision statement is to think about the outcome. What's the outcome? What does the ideal world that you or your product are trying to build, look like? The fourth and final element of our product vision statement is to think about how you and your product are helping. How does your solution help get everyone to that ideal outcome?

[00:02:21 Text appears on screen: Purpose of product vision statements]

Narrator: Now let's think about what the purpose of our product vision statement is. First, your product vision statement helps you and your team communicate clearly about the work that you are doing to anyone and at any time. Second, everyone can tell the same story with the same passion and conviction so that no one person, whether they're on your team or part of your stakeholders, is a bottleneck. Third, a product vision statement also helps set a North star for the team so that they are motivated and know how all of their work contributes to the cause.

You and your team may very well revisit and adjust your product vision at times as you learn more and build more.

[00:03:05 Text appears on screen: Maintaining a clear inclusive vision is integral to your product's success]

Narrator: But remember, maintaining a clear, inclusive vision is critical to your products success.

[00:03:10 The CSPS animated logo appears onscreen. Text on screen:]

[00:03:17 The Government of Canada wordmark appears.]

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