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Winner of the Eighth National Student Paper Competition - Bhajan Gill


This video features Bhajan Gill, winner of the eighth National Student Paper Competition, who answers a series of questions about her experience during and after the competition.

Duration: 00:01:58
Published: March 9, 2023
Type: Video

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Winner of the 8th National Student Paper Competition - Bhajan Gill



Transcript: Winner of the 8th National Student Paper Competition - Bhajan Gill

First question, how did you come up with your topic? Passion. It came out of a project that I was working at and it was a really small finding. I didn't think it was that small and it needed to be talked about.

What was your main recommendation to solve the issue you chose? I had recommended developing what I called the Northern Indigenous Health Coalition, and basically it was a group that I thought could come together and address the needs for support, resources and collaboration to address the issue at hand.

Describe your experience with the competition in a couple of words. Thought provoking, exciting and very supportive and life changing.

What skills did the competition help you develop? I think the top skills I gained from the competition were critical thinking, design and visualization skills, as well as oral communication skills.

Would you recommend the NSPC or National Student paper competition to other grad students and why? Absolutely. I think it's a wonderful opportunity to explore your passions and really bring something you're interested in to light and have folks in very important positions listen to it and see what you can do with it.

Why did you participate in the National Student Paper Competition? I participated purely out of curiosity and an interest about what it was. I didn't really think anything of it, but it was a happy surprise that something actually came out of it.

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